our beliefs

What we believe

We believe that the Scriptures are the divine rule for our beliefs and practices in all of life. We believe the Scriptures are breathed out by God and recorded by men as moved by the Spirit, thereby being the inerrant and infallible word of God while showing the experience, education, and personality of the authors.

We believe in one God in three persons. The Father, eternal, invisible, and only wise maker of all things visible and invisible. The Son, the eternally begotten but not made as through him all is made. He came down from heaven and incarnated as a man, was born of the virgin Mary, was crucified, buried, and rose the third day for us and our salvation. He ascended to heaven and will come again to judge the living and the dead, after which His kingdom will never end. Though incarnated as a man He is the same essence as the Father, God from God, light from light, true God from true God. The Spirit, the giver of life and indweller of believers, has spoken through the prophets in past times and now through the inspired Scriptures. He is the one who walks alongside, guiding believers from the point of salvation through their walk in this world and until the point they are freed from sin eternally.

A cross on a wall

We believe in one church, the bride and body of Christ. The church is the hands and feet of Christ on this earth. Though divided in denominations, we realize these are man-made distinctions, not divine, so while we belong to the Free Will Baptist denomination, we strive to maintain the unity of the church through loving one another.

We believe that all people are made in the image of God, regardless of male or female, socio-economic class, nationality, ethnicity, age, disability, or any other God-ordained distinction. As such, we resist any injustice and prejudice while promoting the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical wellbeing of all.

As Free Will Baptists, we believe in Free Grace, Free Will, and Free Salvation. We believe God’s grace is freely given to all people everywhere, not just to select people, and invites them to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation and forgiveness of sins. We believe that people have the free will to respond to God’s offer of salvation of their own choice, not by force from God or man. They maintain free will after salvation, being assured of God’s salvation unless they purposely and consciously reject Him, committing the unpardonable sin and stamping underfoot the blood of Christ. Lastly, we believe this salvation is the free gift of God. We can offer nothing in exchange nor contribute anything, save to serve Him gladly and ascribe to Him the worship He is due.

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